When most people find out that diet is one of the best and most crucial treatments against diabetes they think it is and easy thing to do but only an ill person can express a realistic point of view on this matter. After a person is diagnosed with diabetes a nutritionist is highly recommended to help him set up a fitting diet. The nutritionist will have to calculate the amount of calories your body needs to consume and take into account the amount of sugar each aliment contains. He will try to reduce the quantity of glucose in your blood by recommending you aliments with a low sugar content. Also the level of sodium, phosphorus and carbohydrates have to be reduced.
It may sound really complicated and it is if you won't go to see a nutritionist, but remember these physicians are trained for this and they know exactly what they are doing. You will receive a set of rules that you need to follow. These rules will give you the exact amount of proteins, fats, sodium, potassium, carbohydrates and phosphorus you can eat have every day. Some foods will be excluded (totally or partially by limiting eating them) from your diet because you need to lower the quantity of glucose and minerals you intake. On every pack of food you buy there is information regarding the amounts of sodium, phosphorus, carbohydrates. You can use that information for a better planning of your diet.
Another thing you need to take in account if you have diabetes is the quantity of food you eat at a single meal.
Your nutritionist will calculate the size and frequency of your meals. You need to respect those guidelines because you need to keep your blood glucose at the same level throughout the day. If you'll have larger portions than the one your doctor prescribed then your your glucose level will increase too much.
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Your nutritionist knows what's best for you and will give you a wide choice of aliments you can eat. You will be able to chose from that list so that you won't have to eat the same things every day.
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